Gunsmith Cats 5.0

Gunsmith Cats

Vol.5 Chapter 51

600.8K Mar 17,2018 - 14:36 PM Sonoda Kenichi

Taking place in a four year period, the story centers on two young women, 19-year old Irene "Rally" Vincent and her partner, 17-year old "Minnie" May Hopkins.Rally and May operate the titular "Gunsmith Cats" gunshop in Chicago, Illinois. Rally also works as a bounty hunter, assisted by May, which is the impetus behind many of the stories.From Baka-Updates:Girls, guns, and grenades! Meet Rally Vincent and Minnie May. By day, they work at the Chicago gun shop that they own. By night (or holidays or week-ends), they moonlight as a pair of bounty hunters called the Gunsmith Cats. Rally is an expert at firearms, being able to judge the condition of a gun with a glance, and being an expert marksman. Minnie May is younger and less disciplined; and has an absolute fascination with explosives. Lots of explosives. Especially big ones. Together, they form an unbeatable team; much to the consternation of the local ATF bureau. Set in the city of Chicago, this action-adventure series features a lot of gunfights, car chases, and general mayhem.
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Gunsmith Cats Burst 4.8

Gunsmith Cats Burst

Chapter 5 : Volume 5

169.3K Jan 20,2016 - 14:57 PM Sonoda Kenichi

Rally Vincent and Minnie-May Hopkins are two regular American girls. Regular American girls who own a gun shop and might have dabbled in prostitution, respectively. And who happen to be a crack shot and an explosives expert, respectively.These might be odd skills for American girls, but these two happen to be Chicago's top bounty hunters. Rally can shoot the trigger off a gun from a good distance, and May generally wreaks havoc with explosions and cuteness. And together, with some very useful friends and associates, they make up the Gunsmith Cats.Burst finds our ladies back at work, back in action, and... back in trouble.
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